Friday, January 22, 2010

The ODYSSEY has begun

Well, we arrived in Santiago. While Meatloaf sings about, "2 out of three ain't bad", these two gringos find 3 out 4 to be very bad. Yes, one of our bags is MIA. Delta has no idea where it is. The contents include the tent poles, stove, GPS, maps, water filter, my cold weather clothing, and a very long list gear items that we can't begin to imagine what we do without them. So, we both have pits in our stomach as we can't even fathom a plan B without that bag.

It is ten am and the front desk says we won't have a room until two pm. We are sitting and waiting....for a room, for news of our bag. At some point, we will have to decide about the bus tickets we were supposed to buy for Monday. I just can't think about it. We are definitely off to a very uncertain start.

Think good thoughts that Delta finds that bag. As written in the book, 'Worst Journey in the World' (at least I think this is the title, but I am a bit rummy)....things must improve.

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