Sunday, February 21, 2010

Arn talks about plans (Wed2/17)

We've reached the part of the journey where we are going to have to start making some difficult choices. Our next week is largely mapped out. Tomorrow we'll cycle a short distance to an Ecolodge in Queulet where we'll stay for two nights. After that it is three days of cycling (and primitive food and lodging) to Puerto Chacabuco - which is on a side road to the sea. From there, we have plans to do a very long one-day trip on a high speed catamaran to Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael in order to see the glaciers. It is supposed to be an awesome sight so we are hoping for some good weather and riding as we are committed to a February 23rd trip.

It is after this boat trip that the choices become difficult. There are three possible plans:
A. Continue on the Carretera through Coyhaique and then around the west side of the 2nd largest lake in South America.  This would put us in Cochrane after 8 more ride days (including a couple of interesting side trips).  From there, we are probably 4 ride days to the end of the CA proper but a very rough crossing - trail, ferries, etc  -continues into Argentina and Fitzroy.

B. Continue on the CA through Coyhaique and then south another day to the ferry on the big lake. This would put us in Chile Chico. From there we'd ride a day into Argentina and to the town of Perito Moreno (not to be confused with the famous glacier near El Calafate). We'd be back on Argentina Ruta 40 and would then hop a bus to Fitzroy (12 hours on bad road).

C. Hop a ferry over to Chiloé - the 2nd largest island on South America. From what folks have said it is altogether different than the rest of Chile and well worth visiting. From our southern arrival port, we'd ride to the north end of the island and then hop a short ferry towards Puerto Montt and continue cycling to Puerto Varas and Cochamó - a beautiful Yosemite-like valley highly recommended by some friends.

The "A" plan is, well, choice "A" but that will depend on weather and legs.  Stay tuned!

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